Young Adults

Welcome to our

Young Adults Community!

Our events are open to any young adults searching to deepen their faith and find authentic friendships. 

This is a group of young adults between the ages of 18 to 35. Our members are married, single, students, professionals, english speaking, spanish speaking, and bilingual. In reflection of our Universal Church, we desire to bring together a diverse generation of young people through the unity of our faith.

Nuestros eventos están abiertos a cualquier joven adulto que busque profundizar su fe y encontrar amistades auténticas. 

Este es un grupo de adultos jóvenes entre las edades de 18 a 35 años. Nuestros miembros son casados, solteros, estudiantes, profesionales, de habla inglesa, de habla española y bilingües. Como reflejo de nuestra Iglesia Universal, deseamos reunir a una generación diversa de jóvenes a través de la unidad de nuestra fe.

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Young Adults Group Schedule

Regular Meetings

Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8:30pm in the Parish Center Youth Room

Sports Nights

Thursday Nights at 7:30 in the Gym

Activities and Events:

Lenten & Advent Bible Studies

Socials and Regional Encounter

Diocesan Monthly Young Adult Mass (Locations vary)

Leader Formation for Missionary Discipleship

For more info follow us on social media @stjosephflorence_ya

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